Jon Davidson

No Time to Sit Back

Longtime civil rights leader Jon Davidson discusses the urgency of this moment for LGBT equality, and the enduring power of telling stories.

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Perspective Series
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Curated Collection

Since the dawn of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, Jon Davidson has played an integral role in the push for equality and justice for LGBT people across the United States. In this video, he reflects on the historic progress he has seen in his 30 years in the movement. But he says now is no time to sit back. “There is a lot at stake for our community and for all of the other allied vulnerable populations in this country who are under attack,” he says. Davidson adds that the biggest barrier to LGBT rights is silence. “It’s important to come out and tell our stories so people understand that they know LGBT people and that these are family members and friends and colleagues.”

Jon Davidson is currently the Chief Counsel at Freedom for All Americans Education Fund.