We are looking ahead to the future, ever dedicated to finding ways the Fund can make a unique contribution to this very special place in which we live.
Evelyn D. Haas
Explore our digital timeline to learn more about the Fund’s work and to find out about the heroic accomplishments of the leaders and organizations we have the privilege of supporting.
The Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund expedites the release of nearly $2 million to help lower-income individuals and families facing severe economic challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Haas, Jr. Fund Vice President of Programs Robert Joseph writes that Season of Sharing is “uniquely positioned to provide direct support during this crisis,” based on decades of meaningful partnerships with Bay Area social service agencies and food banks.
The Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund kicks off its 30th anniversary fundraising campaign. Created in 1986 by the San Francisco Chronicle with leadership from Haas, Jr. Fund co-founder Walter Haas, Jr. and former President Ira Hirschfield, Season of Sharing has raised more than $113 million to help Bay Area individuals and families in need.
To support residents facing one-time emergencies, Fund leaders Walter A. Haas, Jr., and Ira S. Hirschfield work with the San Francisco Chronicle to create the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund (SoS). SoS becomes a Bay Area institution, and by 2015, its annual fundraising hits $8 million.